Nabajatak Child Development Center

Education & Research

Members of the faculty from the Nabajatak Child Development Centre have been steadily doing high standard International and National multicentric collaborative researches, which became very visible since the year 2013.

This was recognized internationally by the WHO (World Health Organization) whereupon the chief architect of this course, Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya, participated in the collaborative globally pioneering research of WHO on core standard setting of ICF (International Classification on Functioning) in children, using Cerebral Palsy (CP) as its pioneering model. He followed this up with organizing International Training in India in December 2013 and a globally pioneering validation study is presented in EACD (European Academy of Childhood Disability) annual conference in Stockholm in June 2016. Dr. Bhattacharya brings this standard in his Indian Centre at CDC, AGH, Kolkata. Three separate poster presentations co-authored by him on the topic was presented in 2017 EACD annual conference in Amsterdam, 6 in Tbilisi, Georgia in 2018, a whooping 12 in Paris in 2019 amidst steep international competition, contributing to the largest Indian academic presence in the history of this European body. Now, 10 posters co-authored by him, has again being presented for the upcoming EACD annual conference in Poznan, Polland in November 2020 along with 2 more prestigious Oral Presentations, taking the tally back to 12 again. Recently, he led a collaborative multicentric international study with Queensland University, Australia on Community Based Early Detection using GM tool with 98% accuracy by 3 months of postnatal age and effectivity of Community Based Early Intervention in CP, called LEAP-CP Study.

Nabajatak Child Development Center

It is not only the Faculty Members but many of our Interns [Nabajatak Child Development Centre, apart from being the Nodal Centre for Sydney Child Health Course and Child Development Centre, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata being host for Royal College Examinations in Paediatrics & Child Health (MRCPCH, UK & DCH, UK Examinations), have been supporting successful programme of Internship since 2017 every year] and students have travelled and presented in scientific seminars in India and abroad over successive years.

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