Nabajatak Child Development Center

Autism Treatment Centre in Kolkata, India

Services at NCDC

Nabajatak Child Development Center

Early Intervention and Screening for Autism

Early Identification and Intervention for Autism

Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD)

ADHD: Attention Problems


Cerebral Palsy and Neuro Disability

GM [Precht/e's] Assessment

Educational Problems

Learning and Development

Learning Challenges

Learning Problems

Learning Delay and Disability


Developmental Pediatrician Consultatio

Child Specialist Consultation

Child Development Issues

Speech Delay and Other Speech Problems

Delayed Walking

Growth Problems

Childhood Constipation

Childhood Asthma

Recurrent Ailments

Eating Problems

Feeding Problems

Sleeping Problems

Assessments and Tests

Intellectual and Developmental Assessments

IQ Test

The Griffith Mental Developmental Scales

Bayley Scales of Infant Development

Vision Therapy and Optometry

Diagnostic Services

Nabajatak Child Development Center

Complete Optometric Visual Evaluation

Visual Efficiency Evaluation

Non-Motor Visual Perception Evaluation

Motor Visual Perception Evaluation

Neuro Vision Evaluation

ADOS (The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule)

Therapeutic Services

Nabajatak Child Development Center

Management of Cortical Visual Impairment

Delayed Visual Development

Amblyopia Management

Binocular Vision Anomalies

Strabismic Anomalies

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Neuro Vision Rehabilitation

TBI Management

Perceptual Disorders

Visual Midline Shift Syndrome

Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome

Special Education and Psychology

Behavioral and Psychological Support

Behavioral Management

Bedwetting (Enuresis)

Genetic Counselling

School Health and Child Dyslexia Services

Nabajatak Child Development Center

Support for Children with Dyslexia

Down Syndrome


Lifestyle and Preventive Care

Lifestyle modification for Children

Preventive Pediatrics

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